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Empir Softw Eng ; 27(1): 1, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34697534


In today's fast-paced world of rapid technological change, software development teams need to constantly revise their work practices. Not surprisingly, regular reflection on how to become more effective is perceived as one of the most important principles of Agile Software Development. Nevertheless, running an effective and enjoyable retrospective meeting is still a challenge in real environments. As reported by several studies, the Sprint Retrospective is an agile practice most likely to be implemented improperly or sacrificed when teams perform under pressure to deliver. To facilitate the implementation of the practice, some agile coaches have proposed to set up retrospective meetings in the form of retrospective games. However, there has been little research-based evidence to support the positive effects of retrospective games. Our aim is to investigate whether the adoption of retrospective games can improve retrospective meetings in general and lead to positive societal outcomes. In this paper, we report on an Action Research project in which we implemented six retrospective games in six Scrum teams that had experienced common retrospective problems. The received feedback indicates that the approach helped the teams to mitigate many of the "accidental difficulties" pertaining to the Sprint Retrospective, such as lack of structure, dullness, too many complaints, or unequal participation and made the meetings more productive to some degree. Moreover, depending on their individual preferences, different participants perceived different games as having a positive impact on their communication, motivation-and-involvement, and/or creativity, even though there were others, less numerous, who had an opposite view. The advantages and disadvantages of each game as well as eight lessons learned are presented in the paper.

RECIIS (Online) ; 13(3): 594-607, jul.-set. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1021512


A experiência relatada neste artigo envolveu a elaboração e aplicação do ImunoDAI, um jogo de cartas desenvolvido por alunos e professores do curso de Medicina para abordar o conteúdo técnico de vinte Doenças Autoimunes (DAI). As DAI compreendem numerosas doenças com diferentes apresentações clínicas que compartilham uma etiologia complexa, porém comum, representada pela resposta imunológica contra autoantígenos. O ImunoDAI trata-se de um jogo produzido coletivamente que, enquanto recurso pedagógico, possibilitou o trabalho com as DAI por meio da elaboração de quatro cartas contendo informações sobre as principais causas da doença; imunopatogênese; sinais e sintomas; diagnóstico e tratamento. A utilização do jogo facilitou a fixação dos conteúdos e favoreceu o processo de ensino-aprendizagem ao permitir múltiplas interações, promover a aprendizagem dos conteúdos, desenvolver autonomia, criatividade, cooperação mútua, discussões e tomadas de decisões, habilidades indispensáveis aos futuros médicos.

The experience reported in this article involved the development and application of ImmunoDAI, a card game developed by students and professors of the medical course to address the technical content of twenty autoimmune diseases (DAI). The DAI comprise numerous diseases with different clinical presentations that share a complex but common etiology represented by the immune response against autoantigens. The ImunoDAI is a collectively produced game that, as a pedagogical resource, made possible the work with the DAI through the elaboration of four letters containing information about the main causes of the disease; immunopathogenesis; signals and symptoms; diagnosis and treatment. The use of the game facilitated the fixing of contents and favored the teaching-learning process by allowing multiple interactions, promoting content learning, developing autonomy, creativity, cooperation, discussions and decision making, skills that are indispensable for future doctors.

A experiencia relatada en este artículo involucró la elaboración y aplicación del ImunoDAI, un juego de cartas desarrollado por alumnos y profesores del curso de Medicina para abordar el contenido técnico de veinte Enfermedades autoinmunes (DAI). Las DAI comprenden numerosas enfermedades con diferentes presentaciones clínicas que comparten una etiología compleja, pero común, representada por la respuesta inmunológica contra autoantígenos. El ImunoDAI es un juego producido colectivamente que, en cuanto recurso pedagógico, posibilitó el trabajo con las DAI por medio de la elaboración de cuatro cartas conteniendo informaciones sobre las principales causas de la enfermedad; inmunopatogenia; signos y síntomas; diagnóstico y tratamiento. La utilización del juego facilitó la fijación de los contenidos y favoreció el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje al permitir múltiples interacciones, promover el aprendizaje de los contenidos, desarrollar autonomía, creatividad, cooperación, discusiones y tomas de decisiones, habilidades indispensables para los futuros médicos.

Humanos , Juego e Implementos de Juego , Enfermedades Autoinmunes , Alergia e Inmunología , Materiales Educativos y de Divulgación , Aprendizaje , Estudiantes de Medicina , Enseñanza , Materiales de Enseñanza , Universidades , Creatividad , Toma de Decisiones , Investigación Cualitativa